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Ndema, Y, Sexual Harassment in South Africa: A Critical Analysis of Vicarious Liability of an Employer – Juta, 2024


ISBN: 9781485151982


About this publication:

"Sexual harassment in the workplace is an anathema that continues unabated, with adverse consequences for the victims and the work environment. This book, written by an expert in compliance and ethical behaviour in both public and private corporate settings, aims to bring the harm of sexual harassment under the spotlight. It highlights how sexual harassment pollutes the workplace, hinders career development and violates constitutional rights. The author takes a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to the sexual harassment in the workplace. Dr Ndema examines various legal strands that make up the concept of sexual harassment (including same sex harassment) in South Africa, as well as in comparative perspective. Based on the author’s PhD thesis on the subject, it in addition draws on more than 20 years of her practical experience in compliance and ethical management."

Sexual Harassment in South Africa: A Critical Analysis of Vicarious Liability...

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