Schulze, H. General Principles of Commercial Law – 10th ed. – Juta, 2024.
ISBN: 9781485153177
Publisher’s description:
“General Principles of Commercial Law is a concise compendium written specifically for non-law students. Written by experienced commercial law lecturers in the Department of Mercantile Law at the University of South Africa as well as the University of Johannesburg, it has been a prescribed text for undergraduate non-law students at various South African tertiary institutions for the past 32 years.
General Principles of Commercial Law provides students with a succinct exposition of the general principles of commercial law. It covers a wide range of topics influenced by the registration requirements of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors.
The tenth edition has been updated to reflect recent statutory and other developments in commercial law and includes:
- A revised chapter 16 on credit agreements to reflect recent amendments to the National Credit Act 34 of 2005, as well as a newly added introduction to the broad framework and aims of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
- A revised and updated chapter 24 that deals with various aspects and recent developments in banking law, including a discussion of selected aspects of the South African Post Bank Limited Amendment Act 10 of 2023; and the Conduct of Financial Bill, which represents the next phase in the Twin Peaks legislative reform process for market conduct. Chapter 24 now also includes a discussion of the Corporation for Deposit Insurance that was launched in 2024, as well as an update of recent developments in the field of stokvels.
- An expanded and updated chapter 25 on methods of payment, which includes a discussion of selected modern types of digital payment and other developments in the sphere of payments, including forex apps; contactless payment or tapping; and cost-effective payment options to local consumers.
- A new chapter 26 on financial technology, that includes a discussion of digital and virtual currencies; cryptocurrencies; blockchain; smart contracts; and fintech and digital and currency regulation in South Africa.
- A new chapter 27 on the important aspect of financial inclusion, including the elements of financial inclusion measures; types of financial exclusion; and legislative and other measures to improve financial inclusion”
Section A: Introduction
1 The South African Legal System
2 Introduction to the Science of Law
Section B: General Principles of the Law of Contract
3 Law of Contract: Introduction
4 Consensus
5 Capacity to Perform Juristic Acts
6 The Agreement must be Possible
7 Formalities
8 Terms of the Contract
9 Interpretation of the Contract
10 Breach of Contract
11 Remedies for Breach of Contract
12 Transfer and Termination of Personal Rights
Section C: Specific Contracts
13 The Contract of Sale
14 The Contract of Lease
15 The Contract of Insurance
16 Credit Agreements
Section D: Specific Aspects of Commercial Law
17 Labour Law
18 Intellectual Property Law and Franchising
19 Alternative Dispute Resolution
20 The Law of Agency
21 Forms of Business Enterprise
22 The Law of Competition
23 Security
24 Banking and Banking Law: Selected Topics
25 Payment and Methods of Payment
26 Financial Technology: Selected Topics
27 Financial Inclusion: Selected Topics
28 The Law of Trusts
29 The Law of Insolvency
30 The Law of Administration of Estates
31 Consumer Protection