Snyman, Kallie and Hoctor, Shannon Vaughn. Snyman’s Criminal Law 7th Ed. – LexisNexis, 2020.

ISBN: 9780639009872
Publisher’s summary: “This work deals with the general principles of criminal law, as well as with specific crimes. In Part One the elements of a crime are discussed and Part Two looks in detail at crimes against the state, the community, persons and property.”
Table of contents:
Part One - General Principles
I - Introduction
II - Conduct
III - The definitional elements
IV - Unlawfulness (Justification)
V - Culpability
VI - Criminal liability of corporate bodies
VII - Participation and accessories after the fact
VIII - Attempt, conspiracy and incitement
Part Two - Specific crimes
IX - Crimes against the state and public order
X - Crimes against the administration of justice
XI - Sexual offences
XII - Crimes against the family
XIII - Crimes against public welfare
XIV - Crimes against life
XV - Crimes against bodily integrity
XVI - Crimes against dignity and reputation
XVII - Crimes against freedom of movement
XVIII - Crimes relating to appropriation of property
XIX - Fraud and related crimes
XX - Crimes relating to damage to property
Price: R1,386.00 including VAT, excluding delivery.
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Posted: 29 August 2023
Updated: 8 January 2024