Chitimira, Howard et al. Promoting and Prioritising Financial Inclusion in Southern Africa: A contemporary law and economics perspective. – Cape Town: Juta, 2023.

ISBN: 9781485150169
Prioritising Financial Inclusion in Southern Africa: An Introduction.
The Adequacy of the Regulatory Framework for Digital Financial Inclusion in Botswana.
Challenges and Prospects of Mobile Money in Promoting Financial Inclusion in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
An Overview Analysis of Selected Digital Financial Services and the Promotion of Financial Inclusion in Zimbabwe.
Combatting Financial Exclusion of Low-Income Earners through Financial Education in South Africa.
Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy: Insights from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Assessing Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Financial Inclusion in South Africa.
A Regulatory Analysis of Mobile Money to Promote Financial Inclusion for the Poor in Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Financial Inclusion and the Socio-Economic Transformation Agenda in Africa: A Case Study of South Africa with insights from Zimbabwe.
Financial Inclusion and the Socio-Economic Transformation Agenda in Africa: Evidence from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
A Comparative Analysis of the Role of the National Payment Systems of Zimbabwe and South Africa on the Financial Inclusion of the Unbanked.
A Review of the National Credit Amendment Act 7 of 2019 as a Tool for enhancing Financial Inclusion in South Africa.
Financial Inclusion as a Strategy to Alleviate Poverty and Income Inequality: Insights from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Digital Financial Inclusion and COVID-19 in SADC: A Comparative Socio-Legal Study of Namibia and South Africa.
The Role and Use of Financial Inclusion as a Tool to Combat Poverty in Namibia.
Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Financial Inclusion in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
Price: R900 including VAT, excluding delivery.
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Posted: 14 August 2023
Updated: 16 July 2024