Ally, Dane; Khangala, Tshilidzi Knowles and Mokoena, Mabowa Thomas. A Basic Guide to Criminal Procedure: A Rights-Based Approach. – 2nd ed. – Cape Town: Juta, 2022.

ISBN: 9781485139638
Basic concepts in criminal procedure
Main role players in the criminal justice system
The South African criminal courts
Pre-trial rights and their limitation under the Constitution
Pre-trial rights and the powers and duties of the police
Pre-trial detention, the rights of juvenile accused persons, and the duties of the police
Pre-trial release of accused persons
The plea phase
The trial phase
The sentencing phase
Appeal, review and parole
Price: R521 including VAT, excluding delivery.
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Posted: 14 August 2023
Updated: 16 July 2024