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Legal Updates: 16 to 20 September 2024

This week’s edition features topics such as gravesite and burial rights, the new Basic Education Laws Amendment Act, the legal obligations of first aiders, and the One-Stop Border Post Bill. We also reference several judgments and tribunal decisions.

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Attorney Alert: 16 September 2024

Some of the legislative developments in this week’s edition include the introduction of the One-Stop Border Post Bill 12 of 2024 to Parliament on 11 September 2024. The Basic Education Laws Amendment Act 32 of 2024 was gazetted on 16 September 2024.


The following Supreme Court of Appeal judgments are included:


A diverse array of topics is covered in this edition, including:


Employment and Labour Law Alert: 16 September 2024

This week’s edition contains references to the latest Labour Appeal Court judgments:


Several recent High Court and Labour Court judgments are also featured, including the following regarding dismissals:


Also referred to are journal articles from the latest issues of De Jure Law Journal and Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg, such as:

Mabaso, Fanelesibonge. Dismissing the blanket approach of interdicting strike brutality: A discussion of Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural and Allied Workers’ Union and Others v Oak Valley Estates (Pty) Ltd and Another [2022] ZACC 7. – 2024 (57) De Jure Law Journal


Insurance Law Alert: 17 September 2024

This week’s edition contains references to the following High Court judgments:


The latest Financial Services Tribunal decisions are also featured, including:


Amendments to the Rules of the Government Employees Pension Fund have been published in the Government Gazette (GN5191 GG 51202 p3 10Sep2024).


Health Law Alert: 18 September 2024

Wednesday's edition contains references to the following High Court judgments:


Also referred to are articles from the latest issue of Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg, including:

  • Boers, Chrislie. CRISPR-Cas 9: Moontlike tekortkominge vir gelyke toegang tot geenterapie in Suid-Afrika [CRISPR-Cas 9: Possible shortcomings for equitable access to gene therapy in South Africa]. – 2024 87(3) Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg p278

  • Slabbert, M. and Labuschaigne, M. Rendering first aid: The legal position. – 2024 87(3) Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg p294


Energy Law Alert: 19 September 2024

This week’s edition contains references to the following High Court judgments:


Also featured is the latest news and commentary regarding the South African National Petroleum Company (SANPC) and various law firm articles, including:

  • Giles, Annelie. Proposed amendment: Gold mines to be subject to the VAT reverse charge on valuable metal. – 2024 Sep 10 ENS

  • Pienaar, Alecia; Desai, Deepesh and Ndongeni, Azola. Power struggle: Eskom’s bid to reserve grid capacity denied. – 2024 Sep 12 Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr


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Image design: Daniélle Geldenhuys

Date posted: 20 September 2024


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