What is the 2023 InfoPack on Persons and Family Law?
A comprehensive research tool offering a convenient overview of legal information about persons and family law published during 2023.
A compilation of bibliographical references to authoritative 2023 legal resources that were previously featured in the Persons and Family Law section of the 2023 weekly editions of the Lexinfo Attorney Alert.
Packaged according to persons and family law-related subjects such as Adoptions, Divorce, Customary Marriages, Maintenance, Muslim Marriages, and Matrimonial Property.
Links to full-text documents where available in the public domain.
How can this product benefit your professional needs?
Saves research time and effort by providing a ready-made list of legal resources related to persons and family law, eliminating the need for individuals to conduct their own extensive research.
Access to up-to-date and relevant information without having to sift through multiple sources.
Provides a convenient overview of 2023 law.
To view the contents page and extract from the InfoPack, click below:
Price: R250.00
The InfoPack is available in PDF format sent to your email address. All prices include VAT.
How to order:
Email books@lexinfo.co.za to order.
A 2022 Persons and Family Law Infopack is also available. For more information, click here.
Tags: #Adoption #AntenuptialContracts #BirthsAndDeaths #Children #Citizenship #ContemptOfCourt #Costs #CustomaryMarriages #CustomarySuccession #Divorce #FoetalRemains #Immigration #Insurance #LifePartnerships #Lobolo #Maintenance #Marriages #MatrimonialDomicile #MatrimonialProperty #MatrimonialRegimes #Mediation #MuslimMarriages #NameChanges #ParentalAlienation #ParentalRights #PaternityFraud #PensionBenefits #Persons #PostnuptialContracts #PregnancyLaw #Surrogacy
Date posted: 27 February 2024
Image design: Daniélle Geldenhuys