Lawack, V (ed.) Fintech: Law & Regulation: An African Perspective. – Juta, 2023.

ISBN: 9781485151098
Contents: Introduction: Setting the scene for the discourse on Fintech law and regulation in Africa – Adapting the frameworks for financial regulation to cater to Fintech’s risks, benefits and regulatory challenges – Overview of financial sector regulatory models – Nigeria’s institutional structure of financial regulation in the era of Fintech – The evolution of blockchain technology in Africa’s financial technology ecosystem – Central Bank digital currencies – An overview of risks and regulatory considerations for Stablecoins – Developing a legal framework for an African Stablecoin Central Bank digital currency: an alternative for cross-border payments – Consumer protection law aspects of cryptoassets – Cryptocurrency crime: towards an enforcement framework – Fintech, financial inclusion, and competition: towards an I-SIP+C regulatory approach – Beyond legal, tax and regulatory interventions: adopting Fintech to promote factoring as a financing alternative for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMES) in Africa.
Price: R796.00 including VAT, excluding delivery.
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Posted: 25 October 2023
Updated: 12 July 2024