Fundamentals of South African trust law. – 2nd ed
Misconduct investigation is not just a nice-to-have
Law Books on Trusts
Beware of retrenchments for poor performance
Employers can drown in their redundancy pools
Principles of Evidence. – 5th ed.
Interdicts, disciplinary hearings and representation
Management shares responsibility for poor conduct
Criminal Law in South Africa. – 4th ed. – Oxford University Press, 2023.
Guide to Business Law. – 7th ed. – Oxford University Press, 2022.
Termination of National State of Disaster: Impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraint
Cross Examination at Disciplinary Hearings
The Law of Succession in South Africa. – 3rd ed. – Juta, 2023.
Beware disciplining employees for off-site misconduct
Automatic termination clauses dangerous
Changes to rate per kilometre and subsistence allowances - Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
Engineering Ethics in Southern Africa - Theories & Cases. – Juta, 2022.
The validity of prior warnings is a vexed issue.
Firing the lot could put you in a spot.
New Deeds Office fees